
STICKER ART: Dio Sbirro x Smadonnari 2024

STICKER ART: God Cop x Smadonnari 2024

God Cop: All Gods Are Bastards

STICKER ART: God Cop x Smadonnari 2024

God Cop: All Gods Are Bastards

URBAN ART : Grog Home Alone #41 Tres - 2022

URBAN ART : Grog Home Alone #41 Tres - 2022

From large walls to canvases, Tres’ compositions turn into interlocking letters free⁠ of any outline, defined only by contrasting primary tones laid out with extreme accuracy...

URBAN ART : Grog Home Alone #41 Tres - 2022

From large walls to canvases, Tres’ compositions turn into interlocking letters free⁠ of any outline, defined only by contrasting primary tones laid out with extreme accuracy...

POSTER ART: Voci di Lotta e Resistenza - Altamura 2024

POSTER ART: Voices of Struggle and Resistence -...

An exhibition of poster art dedicated to women fighting in different parts of the world.

POSTER ART: Voices of Struggle and Resistence -...

An exhibition of poster art dedicated to women fighting in different parts of the world.

POSTER ART: Home - Caserta 2023

POSTER ART: Home - Caserta 2023

Liberation begins with home, home begins with return.

POSTER ART: Home - Caserta 2023

Liberation begins with home, home begins with return.

POSTER ART - Riot not Diet: Un'Espressione Artistica Stampata in Serigrafia

POSTER ART - Riot not Diet: An Artistic Express...

An ode to diversity, freedom of expression and beauty in all its forms.

POSTER ART - Riot not Diet: An Artistic Express...

An ode to diversity, freedom of expression and beauty in all its forms.

URBAN ART - Tante forme di violenza. Una sola risposta - Caserta 2023

URBAN ART - Many forms of violence. Only one an...

Simple figures, clean lines and bright colors to capture the attention of observers and convey a sense of immediate urgency.

URBAN ART - Many forms of violence. Only one an...

Simple figures, clean lines and bright colors to capture the attention of observers and convey a sense of immediate urgency.