YELETRES, Infinito, opera di urban art dedicata a Giordano Bruno, V.Ioannou.Photography, Nola, Napoli

URBAN ART: Giordano Bruno - Infinity

YeleTres, in collaboration with Bereshit - Cis di Nola 2020

Giordano Bruno of Nola (1548-1600)
Infinity indicates a life that continually regenerates and changes, in which man represents only a detail, a shadow, a finite.

Bruno conceives of the infinite universe and infinite worlds and senses the shocking moral and religious consequences of the new universe, of the new place assigned to man. Hence his heated controversy against those who do not accept that a new age of the world has begun. Hence his desperate and tragic defense of the autonomy of knowledge and freedom of thought.

Inspired, poetic, powerful, Bruniano's hymn to the infinite universe is certainly not science, and probably not even philosophy; perhaps it is something more; awareness of the revolutionary significance of the new science.

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